Money gains you influence!!! With money you can create your own media, your own news, your own movie industry, and your own music industry. You won't have to rely on their media, their news for your information. With money you can buy leverage from their leaders, you can control their politicians, and become a force behind the scenes. They keep us distracted from building wealth through TV, music, politics, racism, religion, and a deeply rooted self hatred. Instead of us combining our resources to become stronger, we tear each other down and try to destroy one another before we can gain the proper leverage.
I'm writing this not to belittle my brothers and sisters, but to help you open your eyes. Combine your funds and your grind, stack your money and invest as a team, it gives you more leverage. Show respect to each other and always help each other. In order to be successful we have to work together and build our own industries, rely on each other. This doesn't just pertain to my black brothers, this is for all races and creeds. The government and their controllers are against everyone outide of their circle. As long as we're blind to their actions and at each other's throats, we can't possibly attempt to stop their actions. The main thing I want you to see is, as a team we can be more effective. Just look at the government, the people far out number them yet they control our every move. We fear them even though we out number them, the reason being, they work together to keep us beneath them. No matter how much they oppose each other in the public, they are all in one team, with one common goal, maintaining their power. As a final thought, I challenge the American people to analyze your leadership, think of what they've done to help you, think of how they've made your life easier. If they're not helping you or making my life easier, then what are they doing. Its time the people govern themselves, get these old politicians out and change the way this country operates. #MPOWERTHEPEOPLE #MPOWERTHEWORLD
MPOWER CEEZYI'm the producer for MPOWER THE WORLD Archives
November 2018
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